Kinsmen Lodge offers accommodations for 157 residents through the regional Placement Process.
Regional Placement Process
Priority is often given to people who are waiting in hospital or who need emergency move-in from the community into the first available bed. Consideration is also given to housing people who already have a spouse or family member at Kinsmen Lodge.
The decision to seek placement in a residential care facility is determined through an FHA assessment process involving the applicant, his/her family and a community care manager.
Citizens residing in the communities of Delta, Surrey, South Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Fort Langley and Aldergrove can contact the Fraser ‘South’ Central Intake Office at 604-953-4965 to discuss care needs and determine eligibility for facility placement.
All Long Term Care Applications are forwarded to a Regional Access Coordinator who refers those waiting for placement to the move-in team when vacancies occur at Kinsmen Lodge.
While this regional placement process has reduced the waiting time for residential care, it has limited the time available to prepare for the move. It is not unusual to have less than 48 hours from “bed offer” to move-in. We understand completely that such short notice may be difficult for the family. We work closely with you to minimize the stress for everyone, especially our new resident who needs lots of support as he/she adjusts to new surroundings.
Regional Placement Rates
The “client contribution” or daily resident rate is determined by the Ministry of Health. Rates are based on income and your ability to pay and calculated by the Health Authority using your most recent tax return. Current daily rates range from $30 to $100 a day.
What to Bring

Move-In Day
When an Elder is initially placed in care at Kinsmen there are a few items to be brought right away.

Clothing Items
Prepare the wardrobe giving consideration to ease of maintenance and the limits of closet and drawer space in the room. If possible, make arrangements for storing off-season clothing with family members. Send clothing that is machine washable. Through our extensive experience, we have compiled a list of clothing items that work best for the Elder moving into our care.

Personal Furnishings
The bedroom is furnished with a bed, night table, lamp, and closet. You can bring other small furnishings and décor items provided they permit safe mobility for the Elder and allow for easy cleaning. Please be sure to label them. Upholstered items must be professionally cleaned prior to admission. Upkeep of any personal item is the responsibility of the family.