Care & Services
Our Care Program, considers the unique care needs of each Elder and is designed to encourage belonging and connectivity.
Our care philosophy is all about respect
Kinsmen Lodge has qualified nursing staff (RNs and LPNs) and certified care aides on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our Care Program, considers the unique care needs of each Elder and is designed to reduce the plagues of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom. Families are partners in care and provide valuable input into the design of their loved one’s unique care plan.
Our Care
Is based on an individualized assessment of your loved one’s needs. We respect that each of our Elders is a unique individual with varying needs that we strive to meet.
Involves our resident, the family and significant others. We respect that you have intimate knowledge of your loved one and we want you to always feel you can share your thoughts and ideas with us.
Encompasses physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs. We respect that each of our residents has lived an active life with varying interests, and we strive to keep them engaged, interested, and connected in whatever way works best for them.
Is geared toward maximizing independence and individual potential. We respect that each of our residents comes our-loveto us with different levels of care dependence but we capitalize on every opportunity to encourage and honour independence and potential. Living is our focus.
Is carefully coordinated and inter-disciplinary. All of our skilled team members respect the importance of delivering care with dignity. Meets or exceeds the standards of regulatory agencies. We demand high standards and we take pride in our A+ report card as a fully accredited facility with Accreditation Canada.
Is the central focus of all activity within KL; it is why we exist. We respect that it is also how we will be defined.
Is respectful of residents rights as described in the Ministry of Health.

Accreditation Canada inspires people around the world to improve outcomes through independent assessments against global standards. We are proud to be Accredited with Exemplary Standing.
Interdisciplinary Team
Our Interdisciplinary Care Team of experts collaborate their services to develop an individualized care plan for each of our Elders. By bringing the Director of Care, the Physician, Dietitian, Recreation Director and Pastor together with the Elder and their family, we are able to ensure our care meets the medical, physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our Elders. Each care plan is kept updated and reflects our holistic philosophy of care and commitment to eliminating the three plaques of aging – loneliness, helplessness, and boredom. Care conferences are conducted shortly after admission and annually thereafter (or more often if needed).
Each Care Conference also includes our Facility Medical Director, Clinical Pharmacist, Recreation Aide, Elder’s Primary Nurse, Care Aide, Dietitian and Social Worker in the Elder’s neighbourhood.
Enhanced Care Professionals
The following services of care professionals are scheduled for Elders on an as-needed basis.
- Geriatric Psychiatrist
- Foot Care Nurse
- Dental Hygienist
- Optometrist
- Rehabilitation Team
- Massage Therapy